What is this component of a hematocrit? B blood plasma leukocytes erythrocytes [#FRAME:"TRM1S1D"] EXAM_1 What is this component of a hematocrit? D blood plasma leukocytes erythrocytes [#FRAME:"TRM1S1D"] EXAM_2 Which of the following is the most common leukocyte? E erythrocytes lymphocytes monocytes basophils neutrophils [#FRAME:"TRM1S1B"] NONE Which of the following is the least common leukocyte? D erythrocytes lymphocytes monocytes basophils neutrophils [#FRAME:"TRM1S1B"] NONE Which of the following plasma proteins is primarily responsible for maintaining the blood's osmotic pressure? E globulin fibrinogen gamma globulin beta globulin albumin [#FRAME:"TRM1S2C"] NONE Which of the following has the highest concentration of proteins? A high-density lipoprotein low-density lipoprotein very-low-density lipoprotein chylomicrons [#FRAME:"TRM1S2D"] NONE Which of the following best represents the number of hemoglobin molecules within one red blood cell? E 1 4 100 100,000,000 over 200,000,000 [#FRAME:"TRM1S3C"] NONE Leukocytes do not contain hemoglobin. A true false [#FRAME:"TRM1S4A"] NONE Which of the following white blood cells specializes in the body's defense against parasites? A eosinophils lymphocytes monocytes basophils neutrophils [#FRAME:"TRM1S4A"] NONE If an individual does not have either antigen A or B on their red blood cells, what is his or her blood type? D A B AB O This is an impossible situation. [#FRAME:"TRM1S6A"] NONE Which of the following organs produce erythropoietin in response to decreased blood oxygen? D bone brain heart kidney hypothalamus [#FRAME:"TRM1S3D"] NONE Which of the following is the site of erythrocyte synthesis? A red bone marrow yellow bone marrow heart kidney hypothalamus [#FRAME:"TRM1S3D"] NONE Identify this specific white blood cell. C neutrophil basophil monocyte eosinophil lymphocyte [#FRAME:"TRM1S1A"] EXAM_13 Which of the following are true about the below hematocrits. C Both a and b show the disease "anemia." A is from a big person, B is from a small person. A is from an "average" male, and B is from a "average" female. A is from an "average" female, and B is from a "average" male. Both hematocrits show a large quantity of lipoproteins. [#FRAME:"TRM1S1D"] EXAM_14 What blood type has both antibodies A and B in its plasma? D A B AB O [#FRAME:"TRM1S6B"] NONE What blood type has antigen A on the surface of its red blood cells, and antibody B in its plasma? A A B AB O [#FRAME:"TRM1S6B"] NONE Which of the following blood types is called the universal recipient, in that the person with this blood type can receive any of the other blood types without coagulation? C A B AB O [#FRAME:"TRM1S6D"] NONE In a normal electrocardiogram, ventricular depolarization is represented by which of the following signals? B P wave QRS complex T wave none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM2S3E"] NONE The term systole means to ____, and diastole means to ______ B enlarge/shrink contract/dilate gain nutrients/lose nutrients gain power/lose power [#FRAME:"TRM2S3C"] NONE Heart anatomy: Identify this specific structure of the heart. D apex aortic valve interventricular septum papillary muscle coronary sinus [#FRAME:"TRM2S1F"] EXAM_20 Heart anatomy: Identify this specific structure of the heart. C apex aortic valve interventricular septum papillary muscle coronary sinus [#FRAME:"TRM2S1F"] EXAM_21 Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system is located in the interventricular septum? C atrioventricular (AV) bundle sinoatrial (SA) node left and right bundle branches Purkinje fibers [#FRAME:"TRM2S3G"] NONE Which layer of the heart can contract and relax? B endocardium myocardium epicardium [#FRAME:"TRM2S1E"] NONE Which layer of the heart lines the chambers and comes in direct contact with the blood? A endocardium myocardium epicardium [#FRAME:"TRM2S1E"] NONE When the right and left atria contract, the AV valves are A open. closed. [#FRAME:"TRM2S4C"] NONE When the right and left ventricles contract, the AV valves are ____ and the pulmonary and aortic valves are _______. C closed/closed open/open closed/open open/closed [#FRAME:"TRM2S4C"] NONE Which of the following lists the components of the cardiac conduction system in the correct order? A SA node/AV node/AV bundle/bundle branches/Purkinje fibers AV node/AV bundle/bundle branches/Purkinje fibers/AV node SA node/AV bundle/AV node/bundle branches/Purkinje fibers AV node/bundle branches/AV bundle/Purkinje fibers/AV node [#FRAME:"TRM2S3C"] NONE What is the function of the coronary arteries? C They help support the bicuspid and tricuspid valves. They connect the lungs to the left atrium. They supply the myocardium with oxygenated blood. They return blood to the right atrium. They become active only after a heart attack. [#FRAME:"TRM2S7B"] NONE Which of the following are symptoms of a myocardial infarction? E shortness of breath prolonged chest pain pain in the left shoulder nausea All of the above are symptoms of a myocardial infarction. [#FRAME:"TRM2S7B"] NONE If a thrombus breaks loose and is free-floating with a blood vessel, it is called a(n) D heart attack. coronary ischemia. atherosclerosis. embolus. hardening of the arteries. [#FRAME:"TRM2S7B"] NONE Identify the blood vessel. B femoral vein internal jugular vein brachiocephalic vein axillary vein hepatic vein [#FRAME:"TRM3S5D"] EXAM_31 Identify the blood vessel. A left coronary artery lumbar artery superior mesenteric artery renal artery splenic artery [#FRAME:"TRM3S4H"] EXAM_32 Identify the blood vessel. E popliteal artery aorta artery subclavian artery common iliac artery brachiocephalic artery [#FRAME:"TRM3S4E"] EXAM_33 Identify the blood vessel. D deep femoral artery brachial artery common iliac artery subclavian artery abdominal aorta artery [#FRAME:"TRM3S4D"] EXAM_34 Which of the following layers is found in capillaries but not in arteries? E tunica intima tunica media tunica adventitia both tunica media and tunica adventitia none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM3S1E"] NONE Which of the following will have the highest blood pressure? A aortic arch abdominal aorta femoral artery common iliac artery renal artery [#FRAME:"TRM3S2A"] NONE Which of the following will have a "pulse"? D a capillary bed in the muscles of your leg a venule in your arm your inferior vena cava a small artery in your wrist a capillary bed in your hand [#FRAME:"TRM3S3B"] NONE The endothelium is a layer of epithelial tissue and is a component of which of the following histological layers? A tunica intima tunica media tunica adventitia [#FRAME:"TRM3S2B"] NONE Large quantities of smooth muscle can be found in which of the following histological layers (think of the aorta)? B tunica intima tunica media tunica adventitia [#FRAME:"TRM3S2B"] NONE A rest, a normal adult will have the majority of blood in which of the following types of vessel? C arteries capillaries veins [#FRAME:"TRM3S2E"] NONE The circle of Willis is associated with which of the following blood vessel systems? C hepatic portal system pulmonary circuit arteries that supply blood to the brain arteries that supply blood to the liver and intestines arteries that supply blood to reproductive organs [#FRAME:"TRM3S4I"] NONE Fluids move into a capillary bed primarily by which of the following processes? C diffusion active transport osmosis endocytosis exocytosis [#FRAME:"TRM3S6A"] NONE Substances such as COÒ, lactic acid, adenosine, KÌ ions, and HÌ ions C are all vasodilator substances and cause precapillary sphincters to contract. are all vasoconstrictor substances and cause precapillary sphincters to contract. are all vasodilator substances and cause precapillary sphincters to relax. are all vasoconstrictor substances and cause precapillary sphincters to relax. none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM3S7A"] NONE Most blood vessels are innervated by which portion of the nervous system? C central nervous system sensory nervous system autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) [#FRAME:"TRM3S7B"] NONE If the heart and blood vessels are stimulated by the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system, which of the following will happen? A increased heart rate and increased blood pressure decreased heart rate and decreased blood pressure increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure net loss in total blood volume caused by increased kidney activity increased blood pressure due to reduced kidney activity [#FRAME:"TRM3S7C"] NONE Which of the following is true concerning the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism? D Low blood pressure causes the kidneys to release aldosterone. High blood pressure causes the kidneys to release aldosterone. Renin causes a decrease in blood pressure by causing vasodilation. Low blood pressure causes the kidneys to release renin. Angiotensin is produced by the adrenal cortex and causes the liver to secrete renin. [#FRAME:"TRM3S7D"] NONE Which of the following help differentiate portal systems from other circulatory routes? B the absence of capillary beds two sets of capillary beds three sets of capillary beds unusually large arteries and veins the absence of arterioles and venules [#FRAME:"TRM3S2D"] NONE The term "blood pressure" most commonly refers to C pressure of the blood in the lungs. pressure of the blood in the atria. pressure of the blood in the arteries supplied by branches of the aorta. pressure of the blood in the veins that feed into the vena cava. the average pressure of all the different individual pressures in the veins and arteries. [#FRAME:"TRM3S3A"] NONE The maximum pressure during ventricular contraction is called the __________ pressure. When the ventricles relax, arterial pressure drops, and the lowest pressure that remains in the arteries before the next ventricular contraction is the __________ pressure. A systolic/diastolic diastolic/systolic afferent/efferent efferent/afferent none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM3S3A"] NONE Which of the following represents "normal" systolic and diastolic blood pressures (measured in mm of Hg) that you may find in an artery in your arm? B 120/20 120/80 200/100 1000/500 none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM3S3A"] NONE Which of the following types of immunity is produced when antibodies from a mother's breast milk are transferred to a child? C natural and active artificial and active natural and passive artificial and passive [#FRAME:"TRM4S9A"] NONE Which of the following vessels connect the lymphatic system to the bloodstream? C the right lymphatic duct and the abdominal duct the left lymphatic duct and the splenic duct the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct the left lymphatic duct and the abdominal duct the right lymphatic duct and the splenic duct [#FRAME:"TRM4S4A"] NONE Lymph nodes contain large numbers of ______ that help fight invading microorganisms. D pathogens memory cells and plasma cells erythrocytes and leukocytes lymphocytes and macrophages B cells and T cells [#FRAME:"TRM4S3A"] NONE Which of the following cells are specialized to nonspecifically consume and digest antigens? C plasma cells mast cells macrophages T helper cells cytotoxic T cells [#FRAME:"TRM4S2G"] NONE Which of the following best describe the function of interferon? D It is a chemical secreted by helper T cells to activate plasma cells. It is a chemical secreted by a cell that has been infected by a bacteria that causes other cells to initiate antibacterial defense mechanisms. It is a chemical secreted by macrophages that sticks to microorganisms and makes them easy to recognize by other cells of the immune system. It is a chemical secreted by a cell that has been infected by a virus that causes other cells to initiate antiviral defense mechanisms. It is a chemical that will signal the brain to increase body temperature. [#FRAME:"TRM4S7G"] NONE Which of the following will produce and secrete antibodies? A plasma cells helper T cells mast cells macrophages T cells [#FRAME:"TRM4S8A"] NONE Which of the following can be found in a lymph node? D macrophages lymphocytes lymph fluid All of the above can be found in a lymph node. [#FRAME:"TRM4S4A"] NONE T cells mature within which of the following structures? C thoracic duct tonsils thymus bone marrow spleen [#FRAME:"TRM4S8A"] NONE Which of the following cells is typically found in the connective tissues of the body and releases histamine as part of a local immune response? B memory cells mast cells T helper cell T killer cell B cell [#FRAME:"TRM4S7D"] NONE Which of the following cells is phagocytic and may engulf foreign material, damaged cells, and even cellular debris? E B cell plasma cell cytotoxic T cell T killer cell macrophage [#FRAME:"TRM4S7A"] NONE Fever is a nonspecific immune response to an infection that will create an unfavorable environment for microbial growth and also enhance the normal immune response. A true false [#FRAME:"TRM4S7B"] NONE ____ is a set of proteins in the blood plasma that aids the activities of the immune system by causing foreign cells to rupture. B Interferon Complement Perforin Antibodies Antigen [#FRAME:"TRM4S7E"] NONE When an antigen binds with a B cell, the B cell will D immediately start secreting antibodies that are specific to the antigen. change into T cells, which then produce antibodies. then activate macrophages and secrete interferon. divide into memory cells and plasma cells. secrete interferon. [#FRAME:"TRM4S8C"] NONE Which of the following is a nonspecific immune response to a viral infection? E the activation of memory cells the interaction of helper T cells with B cells plasma cells begin to secrete antibodies the secondary immune response that is produced by memory cells the production and secretion of interferon [#FRAME:"TRM4S6G"] NONE B cells will have antibodies on their surfaces that can bind directly with an antigen. A true false [#FRAME:"TRM4S8C"] NONE Which of the following events must happen first? B clonal expansion of a T cell macrophage presents an antigen to a T cell T cells divide and differentiate into helper T cells T cells divide and differentiate into memory T cells T cells divide and differentiate into cytotoxic T cells [#FRAME:"TRM4S8E"] NONE The thymus gland is located A just superior to the heart. near the oral cavity. next to the spleen. near the appendix. just superior to the kidney. [#FRAME:"TRM4S6D"] NONE Which type of T cell is responsible for killing infected or cancerous body cells? C suppressor T cell memory T cell cytotoxic T cell helper T cell none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM4S8G"] NONE Which of the following is in a vaccination shot? D antibodies B and T cells interferon and complement antigens macrophages [#FRAME:"TRM4S8J"] NONE In a vaccination, what is the intent of "attenuating" the pathogen? B to increase the ability of the immune system to recognize the antigen to decrease the ability of the pathogen to produce a disease to accelerate the production of memory cells to increase the quantity of plasma cells All of the above are true of "attenuating." [#FRAME:"TRM4S8J"] NONE Which of the following types of immunity is produced by receiving a vaccination? B natural and active artificial and active natural and passive artificial and passive [#FRAME:"TRM4S9A"] NONE Which is the type of immunity produced by antigens that are introduced through an infection or by contact? A naturally acquired active immunity artificially acquired active immunity naturally acquired passive immunity artificially acquired passive immunity none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM4S9A"] NONE Which is the type of immunity produced by an injection of antibodies that have been produced by another person or animal? D naturally acquired active immunity artificially acquired active immunity naturally acquired passive immunity artificially acquired passive immunity none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM4S9A"] NONE Which is the type of immunity produced by a vaccination? B naturally acquired active immunity artificially acquired active immunity naturally acquired passive immunity artificially acquired passive immunity none of the above [#FRAME:"TRM4S9A"] NONE The maturation of T cells takes place in which of the following structures? E tibia thoracic duct thyroid gland throat thymus [#FRAME:"TRM4S8A"] NONE